Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Homecoming 2007

Senior year, the last Homecoming Dance of her high school career .... she looked soooo tall in her fancy shoes, and plum colored dress! We allowed her to drive, picking up 3 girlfriends, and they met up with 4 others for dinner at LaRosa's before going to school for the dance. (One boy, 7 girls!) Then more food afterwards ... a late night, and (according to her) the dance was "sort of boring."
At this time next year she'll have flown the coop - where is time going?

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I Think It Just Rained...

After a summer of relentless heat and virtually no rain for months, it has just ... rained. Only for about 10 minutes, but it rained! And there was lightning! But now as I glance out the window, just a few moments later, the sun is out again and that's the end of it.

Unfortunately any amount of rain at this point is "too little, too late." The leaves are dropping from the trees all over town - dead, crunchy brown leaves everywhere underfoot. It looks like we'll have very few colorful trees to enjoy in October. This is one summer that needs to be OVER!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Happiness Is....

A new baby kitten in the house! Introducing Pepper, 1 lb. 15 ounces of pure furry fun. Dr. Jeff has declared her a healthy 8 week-old, and she already had her first shot.

We went to a family birthday party last Sunday, and my sister let us know that we weren't allowed to leave without a kitten. Seems some low-life (call 'em as you see 'em) dumped 5 little kittens in a drainage ditch, barely 6 weeks old, and my sister was good enough to take them in. After one week in our household, Pepper is getting to know her way around and she's decided that the dogs mean nothing to her ... NO FEAR!

Each of the dogs is reacting differently to her, as expected. Tango could care less about her as long as she still gets some love and affection; Tyson is mildly interested in her but has figured out that she's not edible, so he leaves her alone for the most part; and Tandie - well Tandie has always been an idiot when she sees a cat she doesn't recognize. So we have to keep an eye on her because she can get a little rough as she "inspects" the poor thing.

Beanie has quickly become friends with the kitten, I think remembering how things were when Baby Kitty was still here. They play (well, Beanie lays in one spot while Pepper jumps, flails around and generally does kitten-activities in circles around him.) and nap together, and Beanie gives her a good washing when he's feeling motherly. They're going to be BFF.